This is me.

My photo
A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tank on E.

I'm low on inspiration. See ya.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Guy kicks Repo man MJ style!

FAQ #6, Why do you have so many scars?

I'm careless folks. Most of the time i don't feel it partly because they're from football games and the adrenalin is already in full motion but there are a lot of noticeable ones that are from sheer stupidity or accidental incidence. The scar on the top right of my face was due to (this sounds very stupid) me falling on cement when i was little. What kind of person falls on the cement and lands on their head. I know i sound stupid but whatever. Next up, the bump on my lip. When i was little i was climbing on an open window ledge and i was doing alright until my stupid ass older brother slams the window down hella hard. Causing the window to break hence broken glass left its mark on my lip. I heard i didn't cry. Tuff guy eh? The scar on my pointing finger of my left hand is a real dumb story. I was doing a project for school and i was trying to cut a big ass box with a big ass butcher knife. My finger got caught in the cross fire and left its mark. I continued with my stupidity and cut the box to finish the job. The "D" looking mark on my left hand below my thumb was left by a student from Sequoia High school. Everyone thought it was from a Filipino Gang initiation. But real story my sophomore year of football i guess i was on the floor somewhere on the field and someone stepped on my hand. The reason why it looks like a "D" is because i guess the cleat or spike of his shoe went around in a full circle and left a chunk of living tissue in the middle. It looked gross when healing. The skin in the middle turned green literally, green. It looked like a fungus, weird right? Anyways the knife cut looking scar on my left bicep is courtesy of a young fellow from Jefferson High. I don't exactly know how i got this but after the game, after taking off my pads i usually check my body for new souvenirs and what do you know? I got this beautiful cut on my arm. Oh well, i like my scars. They provide stories and memories to share with my grandchildren. I'll tell them i was in a gang. Sike! haha Thanks for the read!

One more post for MJ.

Love you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Farewell, King of Pop.

I'm not going to lie. I forgot about you when i grew older. Faded from my reality like Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny you weren't apart of my world, like you were in my younger days. and i just wanted to say i'm sorry, for not being a real fan. When i heard of your death it really didn't hit me as hard. I didn't believe it. Didn't want to at least. But when i watched your memorial service it hit me real hard today. Even though we have never met i can truly say you were a big part of my life that i have long forgotten. I used to catch your videos on MTV during the LA afternoons. I remember my grandma was cooking in the kitchen when "Don't stop til you get enough" came on. I tried to imitate the ecstatic gyrations and the crotch grab moves you were famous for while trying to hide my skills from my grandma but she had a way of spying on me. She told my whole family and i was so embarrassed i promised myself i would never grab my crotch again. Damn, those were the days. If your death has taught me anything about my own life its that life is way to short to take for granted. and even though life forces you to grow up way faster than expected, never forget to take some time out of your day to appreciate the little things in life. Thank you for the memories mike. I really, truly appreciate it. I will never forget you and i will keep your legacy alive through my kids and theirs. Thank you so much.


I have a lot of unfinished poems in my head and i can't seem to get them out. I need that "spark" to ignite it. These brain farts are usually caused by a lack of inspiration and a shit load of laziness. Stay away, my laziness is contagious. Sorry kids, i have nothing in line for tonight. Tomorrow i'll blog my day so you guys have something to read. I want a hotdog with coleslaw right now, oh man sounds so good. I always watch the food channel and it sucks cause i'm 50% sleepy and 50% hungry most of the day but at this exact moment i'm like 80% hungry and 20% sleepy. I don't know man... its crazy, shits crazy. Big game coming up this sunday. Truong vs Truong. El Camino Alumn vs El Camino Alumn. Both teams are from the South City/ Daly City area and the winner of this game can seem to claim the crown of the city. Me and my younger brother john, are taking on my older brother kevin. We has NEVER played on opposite teams before. So i would like to see where mine and kevin's offensive minds clash. Its like a big ass chess game. Oh well, please come out and support us. Game time is at 1:00pm ****GAME OF THE WEEK**** literally. haha. I'm hungry tho i might ride out for some late night fast food cuisine but i'm too lazy and this ramble is helping me fight my bored hungerness. It's been a cold summer so far, weird. I hope its super fucking hot soon so i can head to the beach. I wanna chill with the breeze and watch seagulls poo on near by locals. Which reminds me, my red civic is a victim of fly by bird pooings. i swear. i have atleast 8 pieces of poo on my car right now. I think i'ma go to the gas station and use the window wiper to wipe it off haha. Don't you guys do that tho? you use the window wiper to clean not only your windows but also your car? LOL don't fucking lie to yourself! Well its time for tomorrow! i'll see you guys on the other side thanks for the read homies.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mariah Carey

I don't care if shes old as hell she is still sooo soo fine. I would give her a baby in a heart beat. Anyways i was on a song rampage of old songs i use to listen to and i remember Mariah Carey and this one song :)

Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey
Years later she is still beautiful as fuck. By the way her new song hits so hard!

90's Pop was poppin!

I'm an 80's baby. I heard it was a great decade but i was born in 89 so i caught just the end of it. The 90's had a booming pop scene with up and coming stars like: Brittany Spears, Nsync, and MY personal favorite Backstreet boys. Favoritism went back and forth between the boy bands but aye in the end they're both sick.

All I Have To Give - Backstreet Boys

I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys

Tearin Up My Heart - NSYNC
These are a few of the songs from the good ol days! Tell me you weren't singing along also!

Game 3, Black Out vs. Raw Dog Assassins

We won, 42-0. Wasn't much of a game for them. We just had fun with this one. Naim got the MVP for this game with some sick ass plays made by the young buck. But let me just say thanks to all the people that watched us play! Means a lot! We need to grow our fan base more! Please please please if anyone would like to come watch us play, please come out! We would really appreciate it!

Happy happy joy joy.

All of San Francisco watched in awe, as the sky stole our attention. It was like a rainbow got caught in a shoot out between an earthquake and the heavens. Thundering ruckus sonic-boomed seconds after the visuals, the cross fire left blood splattered colors on clouds. I watched in silence, with a smirk on my face so bright i can't remember the last time i felt like this. Ironically, i stood behind a Vietnamese family and enjoyed eavesdropping on their native small talk and innocent excitement. For those brief moments a few things went through me mind: My Childhood, People, and Poetry.

I couldn't help but double glance at the little Vietnamese girl in her daddy's arms. She held a small light up toy, that i swear could have been a time machine. The moment my glare touched down to the toy it brought me back to L.A. I was a kid again. Not a care in the world, it was just me, my brothers, and our imagination. We use to get broom sticks and whack rocks around on our front lawn, we thought we were the Mighty Ducks. That all came to a painful reality when the broom stick got caught in the ground and i knocked my wind out. Then we moved on the bigger and better things, next thing you know we became the Power Rangers hanging from monkey bars at the park beating up girls and ridding the world of cooties. We did a good job until the parents intervened. Shit, we were tired of getting are dreams shut down so we turned to a life of crime. Working as a trio, one of us would distract the cashier at 7-11 and the other two of us would steal baseball cards from behind the counter. We were thugs like that. Man, those were the days. Sounds of war brought me back to reality as my eyes continued with its visual feast.

As the sky continued to sound like the war across the seas i stood in the mass of people studying everyone my eyes could take in. How special and fortunate is San Francisco to have an event that brings so many different people out to have a good time. From the drunk Caucasians to the family oriented Muslims. From the trendy Asians to the dread headed city boys. Its absolutely beautiful to see so many different people at one place sharing a common smile. Even though, this type of firework show may be just in San Francisco and the whole world can't watch i felt as if the whole world WAS watching. I admire the diversity and i wouldn't have it any other way. I stood there in mass, silent as another night, with a smirk that could be see from space. I don't remember the last time i felt like this but i will remember this time and place for when another moment like this comes up.

*Note: This is my 4th of July. The fireworks inspired me hella bad. This is also a "sense of happiness" poem that i wrote in response to my padawan, Kayekaye. Thanks for the read homies! Hope yall had a good one!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I wish!

She isn't the best singer in the world but it works for me. I love it. Wish this song was for me! From someone who secretly admires me, hah like that will ever happen!

Oh yeah happy 4th.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Person of the month.

In no particular order of the people i'm going to write and introduce you to the people in my life. No matter how close they are to me or even if i hardly talk to them. I'm going to start doing this every month on the 21st. (21, because it's my number) No, just because i choose someone 1st doesn't mean i love them the most. Its base solely on how cool you are and how many times you let me squeeze your ass. (JOKING) But its totally random! haha! Look out for these people!


Like Romeo & Juliet we were bound to be dead to each other. This wasn't a love story, more like a plot between Sci-Fi, Drama, and War flicks. The bastard son of the movie "Roots" & A foreign porno. I played the run away slave, and she was the crazy sex goddess who hustled the devil for my soul. Numbers twisted in our minds, we failed to act our age but succeeded in acting each others. We were both freshmen, the only difference was that i was still in high school. I should have drew the line there, let my male ego stand true to the phrase "All guys are assholes" but i had a weak heart, and i couldn't break hers... but shit, when i had my dick wrapped around your virginity i swear, i should have known it was a trap. Sex grew up with us like friends. Always there when there's nothing to do. And always down for whatever, when ever & where ever. Her body craved attention like vampire thirsting for blood, but blood could be substituted with sweat, my dick, and however long it took to make her pussy cum; I was her slave. And the process grew on me as if my heart were sprouting from my chest ready for the plucking. It was like her own kind of brainwashing mechanism, "I'm going to fuck him, til his soul is mine!" Fights broke out like wildfire, i threatened to leave, she broke glass and threatened to leave if i left. And i left my balls at home and went back to what i knew behind lock doors and tired lustful nights that i could hardly keep up with. I felt like we were role playing the whole time we were dating, she was the 40 year old cougar of a step-mom fienin for sex while pops is out, and i was the teenage son whose just past puberty and thinks i can get Chlamydia from a kiss. I was grounded, no cloud 9 nor myspace for me. No talking to friends that are girls. Just school and her is what my life consisted of. Someone told me that without love you are not living. Therefore, love equals life. And i know she might have thought i was the love of her life but how can i be the love of her life when i don't even have a life. To wrapped up and smothered in your arms i was dying, slowly and surely. You couldn't have seen this coming, because the moment i penetrated i stripped away your sight, put kick me signs on your back and put a sticker on your forehead labeled "Hi my name is: Love". Sorry i couldn't have given you all that you wanted in life. I am your young mistake that you have written about in chapters long ago and i'm just returning the favor. I'm not writing because i miss you but rather to remind myself that your the lesson i've learned when it comes to love. Don't get sex confused with love. Sex is like chocolate cake. After five days of eating chocolate cake, even chocolate cake doesn't taste that great. Until the next life, see you never, i hope.

*Note: True story, not gonna go into detail about who it was. This is just how i felt at the time. I don't mean to offend anyone. This is really X-rated, sorry i know i'm a freak. (Just Kidding) but no really i just wrote this because my young apprentice gave me the inspiration to write about ex's. and this one came to mind. Let me know what you think. I think its kinda mean but oh well. Thanks for the read!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

FAQ #5, What is your middle name? and what does it mean?

My middle name is Binh. My grandpa gave it to me and its the only thing to remind me of him. He passed away to quickly in my life and i haven't had the pleasure of knowing him as well as i should have. My middle name means "good of the house" (as i've been told). It's kind of ironic how my middle name matches my nature. I'm never the one to get into trouble and i've always got a good head on my shoulders. The only time i ever get out of line is when i'm fighting for what i think is right. But yeah i would love to live up to my name and wear on like a badge of honor for my grandpa. Thanks for the read!

P.S. Thanks for reading guys i really mean it. It would be totally great though if you guys could leave some comments and give me some feed back on what you think. Don't be shy to get to know me. Add me on myspace, facebook, twitter. Get at me and get to know me. Yeknow? I would like to get to know my readers. My aim = Biinh (yes two i's) Thanks again.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


People's ignorance never ceases to amaze me. Oh yeah, rainbows automatically mean gay and your mom eats my ass out every Tuesday because its taco Tuesday. Stupid. Really though, let me spit at your guys reaaaaally quick about this "gay" issue. Gay is not a synonym for stupid, yes, i catch myself slipping at times because thats how i grew up but i'm doing real good with changing my vocab. I know this slang will never change but i can try to change a few souls. Another issue, Why must people be so homophobic? Being gay isn't a disease either. You wont get herpes if you say wsup to a gay dude and shake his hand. What is the problem? Why are you guys homophobic but you have gay tendencies? Many guys think its okay to "play" like their gay but when it comes down to it they dread gay people. Society is weird and twisted. Oh yeah, the reason why i wear this rainbow bracelet is because i also bought my sister one. It's her favorite color(s) i guess you can say. and she is take sole responsibility for helping my find my voice through poetry. So it's a symbol of the poetry that binds us. If you guys catch my drift. Time to do another FAQ. Thanks for the read.


Due to the tragic event of Michael Jackson's passing i've had this song stuck in my head all day at work. It's kinda weird when the only words i know to this song are "Man in the mirror" and i start humming the rest.

Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson

Anyways, after doing slave work and making 20 bucks in tips (half coming from Bree's mom) I decided not to do homework and head out to the city with my home girls Bree and CJ. We headed out to Ghirardelli Square to get some ice cream, dessert first real food later.
Shot of Hot Fudge anyone?
This shit is gross. It looks like a stomach with stomach flu and Mr. Peanut had a baby.
And i swear. It felt like we were siting in the "whites only" section. Seeing as how we were the only brown skin'd people in the house.
After the satisfyingly ALRIGHT dessert we were on a detour to search for Calamari/Food food. We walked a lot of the pier and couldn't find neither of the two items we were looking for. After an epic failure we decided to hit up Lucky Chances aka Filipino Central aka I'm a filipino parent who gambled all my kids college money away so now they have to go to Skyline. Shit, Calamari was okay. I hit up the Fried Oysters, they were... okay. Nothing special just something to do.
I love these girls. Friends 4ever, 143 CJ, Bree, & Charles. xoxoxoxoxoxox kisses&hugs <<<<<<<<<<<3 thanks for the read yall! PEACE!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Game 2, Black Out vs Pistoleros.

Summer days like this don't come very often for me. I love Sundays this summer because that mean i get to play football with my boys. We're in a flag football league consisting of 8 teams. Our team name is the Black Out, we're a bunch of EC boys just having fun and still trying to prove our name. Our team consist of Me(08), My brother John(08), Twon(08), Naim(08), Moe(08), Rob(08), Ryan(09), Jason(06), Georgy(11) and maybe Chris (South City High, 08). Well lets get into today already. Pistoleros, red team consisting of almost all Latinos that talk way more then their game did. I found myself barking back more than any of my team today also, and i'm usually the quiet humble one(yeah, right). I can honestly say these fools were a bunch of cry babies. and shit i they also pulled the race card out on me too, fools called me Manny Pacquiao. Wow.... like honestly that was insulting but at the same time a compliment because i don't like being labeled as Filipino because as i said before i'm Vietnamese. Secondly though isn't Manny a Latino Assassin? Idiot, right? Anyways we whipped their ass 27-7, I believe Twon got the MVP this game because they shut me down. but shit when we aired the ball out it was like fire works. I played the roll of a Reggie Bush on the Saints. Which means they know i'm dangerous so they're obviously going to cover me. Hence, leaving other weapons such as Ryan Smith or Naim Tate open for touchdowns. So in the end everything works out, we got the Win. Naim 1 TD (playing a brotha on TDs, should have had 2), Ryan 1 TD, and Twon 2 TDs. 2-0, we're aiming for the ship. We need a cheer squad please please please. If any ladies or home boys would like to come support that would be most appreciated! Thanks for the read, i love days like this.


FAQ #4, Why don't you drink or smoke?

I'll start of with drinking. If you haven't heard my poems about it i'll sum the story up for you. I don't have a dad (anymore). Unlike a lot of kids who don't have dads. I actually got the chance of sharing memories with him, some good some bad, lets just say the bad out weigh the good by light years. On nights when alcohol would mix with my dad that would mean my mom would get bruises. Yes, shes a victim of domestic violence. Why on earth would you want me to consume something that caused my mom so much pain. Stupid. As for smoking.... Cigarettes? yuck, you're killing yourself already. You know that right? As for weed, double yuck. I can't stand the smell. Its a waste of money. Call me unrealistic and stupid but fuck it, i don't give a shit. I'm just speaking my mind. I know yall who do this stuff do it for fun but just think about it. Remember when you were younger? You didn't need all these things to have fun. But now a days that ain't the case. Every party i've been to has to have drinks and dro. Whens the last time you had a pizza party? with chips and soda and boring ass movies that you HAVE to watch because thats the only thing to do? I don't know things change, times change. but i'll always have my reasons for not following the crowd. I'll have my head on straight forever. Thanks for reading!

FAQ #3, Why do you look so mad all the time?

Dude.... My eyebrows are made like this. When the sun is beaming in my eyes or if rain is trying to touch my bare eye balls i can't help but to put my eye brows down in the "i'm mad stance" which to me is also known as the "i don't want sun/rain all up in my pupils so i'll lower my eyebrows and squint my eyes" look. So my people. I'm not mad nor mean. I am one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. (If your cool) (jk) But really i'm not mean. Thanks for reading.

FAQ #2, Are you Filipino?

NO! I'm Vietnamese, please please please, you don't have to tell me our food is good. I know. No, you cannot come to my house when my mom cooks Vietnamese food. I will not bring you spring rolls my mom makes unless you're my girl friend. Well, in fact i don't mind anything you do if you're my girl friend. But anyways, you don't have to let me know when you eat/ate Vietnamese food. Its cool, i know its good but i'm tired of everyone saying "Oh, you're not Filipino? Oh what? your Vietnamese? I tried Pho the other day? *Holding out their fist and nodding their head with raised eye brows expecting an "Hey i must be cool with you now because i've tried your national dish" pounds. SIKE!!! but i pound anyways because i'm not mean. FUCKERS! Thanks for the read.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

FAQ #1, Why did you stop playing football?

I'm a very mysterious person. People often tell me i'm intimidating and i look mean, which is true. I do look like a mean jack ass who will cut you if you breathe in my vicinity but don't judge a book by its cover. My eye brows are hereditary, i got them from my dad. and shit you must look at me a lot with bad timing if you notice i hardly have facial expressions. I enjoy your attention tho, thanks. but anyways i will be answering FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) and posting them on my blog for everyone to get to know me better. and i will start with the most asked question in the history of Charles Truong. Why did i hang up the cleats? Football is suppose to be fun. At El Camino(high school) i loved practice, i loved games, i loved being in the Red Uniform with the number 21 on it. It felt real like a family. and when i stood on that stage on awards night i swear i held in tears that would have caused floods. When i got to CSM for practice everything was different. There was this voice inside of me that told me i didn't want to be there. I knew i was so much more talented than these other fools but i didn't want to prove it to anyone anymore. The coaches were up my ass, and the players seemed to be segregated amongst race. Didn't seem like much of a family to me. Yeah, it didn't feel the same anymore. It felt fake and generic to my high school years. During a chalk talk while coach was explaining and going over plays i asked myself if i really wanted to play and had made it up in my mind that if i had to live up to everyone's dreams of me playing ball in college i would be disappointing myself because i didn't really want to be there. Don't get me wrong football is my 1st love and i will always love it but Nike is wrong when they say "Football is everything" because its not. In sort, Why i hung up my cleats is because it wasn't fun anymore. If you can't catch my drift watch Love and Basketball and you'll understand what i mean. Not to say its not fun for me because i lost a significant other to some asshole whose about to marry her but...(trying to figure out how to put this) i lost the meaning behind my passion. So there, it's out. I payed my dues to football, i succeeded and made history with some of the best guys i will ever meet. "It's a brotherhood for life!" -Stomp the Yard, haha it just reminded me of that moment. But yeah. you can still watch me and some of the boys in action tho. We have our own flag football team called Black Out, we also recruited some amazing athletes from different teams and years. but yeah i'm coaching at El Camino now teaching the young ones how to be tough like this one guy named "chuck". Hopes this satisfies your curiosity. Thanks for reading.

Rest in peace, MJ. This might be your biggest fan.


beautiful piece. This is the one that inspired me to write about my beautiful and strong mother.

The poem that got me started.

I remember the 1st time i fell in love with poetry. It was my junior year in high school, Mr. Padilla's English class and we we're in poetry unit. He slipped in this disc of Def Poetry and when Shihan came on it was on like donkey kong. I fell in love.

Halo cover. (oh, so sick)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dear really cute girl whom i shy away from in fear of rejection,

Hey..... This may seem kinda strange but i think you've got super powers. No i mean it... seriously... i think you've got super powers because every time we've cross paths i swear, you use your laser vision to burn my cheeks rosey red, and your walk is so mean it makes my attention fall straight to the floor so that i don't get caught mean muggin and catch a heel to the face. And shit i swear your style could be blamed for that lump in my throat and my gelatin ass legs. Or maybe its just that i'm just socially awkward around girls of your stature. i mean, can't muster up enough courage to talk to you face to face but shit behind this computer screen i'll tell you my whole life's story. but thats a whole differnt poem. Anyways, what do you say we get away from here? away from this fog? Away from the potholes and traffic lights. Lets go cut off the power to the city, dance on skyscrapers to the playing banjo of the man on the moon, and skip rocks on the sky with Mufasa and my grandfather. We could put the sun on pause and the moon on repeat, and i can use your halo to lasso in stars and pluck them from the night, hide them in my eyes because when you look at me, i wanna be the one to be to brighten up your day. Ours lips could share stories of our past lives and past loves, playing show and tell with our hearts and counting the scars left from the wars inside of us. See, I've been shot 6 times with false arrows dipped in the poison of insecurities and that Donnell Jones "Where i wanna be" typa shit and i'm still on the front lines, still hoping, still dreaming of what it feels like to trade hearts with someone. Plant them in the soil of our ribcages and let them grow whole and healthy. See i don't know what it is about you that makes this flimsy soft shell of a man's soul quiver but if you ever find yourself alone on the corner of post and taylor write me a message in a bottle and wait for the nights where the stars are shallow enough to lasso one in. Attach the bottle to your halo and send it on its way. Addressed to the boy who heart is as full as fam on thanksgiving. Sincerely written. P.S. I love Japanese food.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hit that Stanky LEG!

"When you dont feel it, is when it feels good" Random quote i heard today. Doesn't make sense but i know what you mean homie. Maybe i should start doing quotes of the week. Hah, maybe. Anyway i today i didn't catch a case of the Mondays, the Mondays got a case of the Chucks! *everyone reading this chuckles, har-har-har! Anywho i've got a love poem in storage, a poem for my sister, and a shit load of ideas i need to break bread with. I don't know if i used the phrase "break bread" in the correct statement but fuck it, "when in Rome." Started off the day correct getting lost in the abyss of Skyline College trying to find the book store. Man i'll tell ya. The sun beams still didnt take the clothes of the girls over there. Jesus. Must be use to the fog. (i know i'm over using my periods...) So. What. I was the one who looked like a beach bum that just woke up and i had my wayfayers on so i thought i was some what "cool". Got the books, then booked! Oh man can't forget about the girl of my dreams. Literally. Had a dream about this girl i've never talked to in my life and i see her the next morning. WEIRD. Yes i'm interested. Then i head over to the ol King's road high school to do some lecturing on football. Actually i was more starring and thinking in my head "WTF ARE YOU DOING, YOU WEAK BAAHFOOON!!!" jk but not really. so i'm not kidding. heh. After the zoo work out session i head over to my hustling spot to get my hustle on. RED ROBIN!! i actually did hustle today tho. 103 in the pocket whats good!!! ayye! haha but work was the fun part of the day. My host were on a seating frenzy and i got swapped for a bit but i was koo again. Beautiful ladies came in today, all different shades of skin. From the Whites, to the Asians, Hispanics, and even my Chocolate sistas! mmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm! It was like a tropical eye feast today. Cleavage, Pearly whites, and eyes that could see through your soul were everywhere today. Besides the ladies my guest made it rain on me, OH BOY! shiiiiiit they we're throwing stacks at me showing me they were serious about Red Robin. and i was like "Do your thang (boy), i ain't mad atcha!" (2pac actually said this). But yeah i just recently learned the Stanky leg and i decided to teach almost everyone at work. its so fucking funny, and i like to make everyone at work laugh. its cool. Went over my hours at work but shiit i made it fun and decided to blog about it.
The homie, Dominguez with "Mama" scraping in through the background. Dominguez is a koo ass kat, and Mama is an old Chinese lady who understand little Vietnamese but can handle the hustle when it comes. Old school hustler at that.
I know, I know. I need a cut. the stache is growing over my lips, i promise i will soon.
annnnnnnnnd this fair lady is one of the chillest co-worker/ Managers ever, Lacy. She also has the most hugest tits that look like their about to fall out when she wears a low cut shirt but them boys are stuuuurdy. Whoever you are you can't help to look, trust me. Everybody do the STANKY LEG!!! AYE!!! until next time yall. peace love and the hundreds.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"I ain't makin no money but i ain't makin no sense"

1st of all i know.. i suck at blogging. Anyways smelled like weed, cigarette smoke, bums, and liquor out in the streets of SF last night. Me and John camped out for the new POST hats and damn last night was a pretty interesting night full of excitement and random shit.
Photobucket Fuck it. I sit on floors. Sluts. Highlights of the night: Got flashed from this white girl with big ass tits, Drunk dude "I ain't makin no money but i ain't makin no sense, thats the quote right?!", Oh boy got some of his Bugles jacked from a crack head, and Dude almost Chris Brown'd his girl. Turn offs: Smoke, Weed, Bums, Cold, Cutters, Annoying people, and THIS!!!! FUCK!!Photobucket That is why i hate the fucking city sometimes. Stupid ass parking!! 60 bucks down the drain... anyways the sun hits the sky and people start waking up, but not this guy.
The line starts getting massive around opening hour it actually loops back up the street. But we managed to get out hats and escape the zoo. John knows the guys that work there also and we got hooked up with free shirts also! +60 bucks haha FML.
Little bitch was in the back and got to the front quick style. -_-
My Prize:

P.S. yeah i sleep on a coverless bed. shiiiit i sleep on a rose bed too! and what? bitches!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

B. Yung

He's been a featured poet on the HBO hit series Brave New Voices and when i saw him spit i swear i wanted to cry. This guy is sick. Especially in this piece:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love sick. (rambling, read at your own risk)

Today, actually most of this month i've had a lot on my mind. Well actually girls have been on my mind and its crazy. There isn't just one girl on my mind, its basically any girl i see around or hear about, its weird... I think about what it would be like to be their boyfriend, or how happy or miserable we can be together, or i think of ways to romanticize girls to fall in love with me. Knowing myself well enough i could embarrassingly say that i'm a big time fanatic and believer in love. I often wonder if there exist that kind of love that Romeo and Juliet had, or maybe Noah and Allie from The Notebook. I'm such a sucker, and if you're reading and you think i am to then so be it. I can't help it. I grew up wishing i could be Aladin or Prince Charming saving princesses from danger. And this month just sucks, i don't know if i'm just going through a phase or if falling in love is an addiction to me but i hate feeling like this. Like i'm gonna die if i don't have a girl to be with. Like i'm the only dude whose going to grow up old, not have any kids, and just tell stories to kids that arent even my grand children about my younger days of how i used to play football and what i what through. I'm just scared to be alone. It sucks. Like, i'll admit it. At work i'll observe all the cute asian girls that come in and walk by and hope i catch them starring, just so that i can have a reason to stare back but i'm to pussy shit to actually do anything so i stand around the front so that they will walk by and hope they'll stop and talk to me but they never do and i'm to punk shit to say anything because i'm such a nervous wreck around pretty girls its not even cool. Or i'll be walking around a public place like the mall and i'll spot a girl walking towards me and i'll just stare at the ground as we cross paths, which is totally ridiculous. I have no game and i know it. I don't have any point about this post i'm just trying to write out all the things going on inside my head. and i guess i'm just love sick. I've had girls run in and out of my life like customers at in and out. and i've had my heart stepped on plenty of times like all the girls that tell me their problems. Hmm... I suppose i should continue with my mind dilemma. Sorry for the ramble and thanks for the reading.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

I fell in love with some Youtube stars....

I'm in love with AJ&Reesa, and i would glaaaaaaaaaadly take my sweet ass time for any of them!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vampire Heart-Throbs

Countless girls around the world would gladly let Robert Pattison, better known as Edward from the movie Twilight, bite the shit out of them. The Twilight series and any other Romantic Non Fiction Book/Movie, gives girls an unrealistic expectation in men. Which totally sucks for us "real" guys considering we aren't immortal or were not super fast and strong, or anything else unrealistic. I couldn't see the big deal behind the sexy beast Edward Cullens because you can't even have sex with a vampire without him biting the shit out of you, but i guess the ladies wouldn't mind getting bit.(I BITE ;),but someone is being bitten by me already :-D ) but anyways i have come to understand the ladies when it comes down to all the Twilight and Vampire Sex craze going on, this movie came on the other day which made me go GAGA for this sexy ass pale faced lady vampire. So the answer to your Edward is my Selene. Photobucket
Movie: Underworld 1&2. Real name is Kate Beckinsale, and she is fucking hot shit without a doubt. I would let her bite me, yes. I would turn into a vampire and be dead but gladly immortal. and damn i would have her damn babies, i swear.... My mouth is salivating for some vampire (you know what). Ladies i understand what your going through now....

PCN, Davis

This past Saturday me and the poet fams headed out to Davis, CA to support our homie Diane in a play she was in. I won't forget to mention Melissa Mendoza, another high school friend who was also in the performance. Anyways me and my sisters traveled to the far reaches of California in the beaming ass sun. We made a giant giant mistake about deciding to eat in the middle of no where when we got hungry enough. Anyways we found ourselves in an unknown city, come to find out it was Fairfield. We stopped for a bite to eat at this one spot with the most original name in restaurant history: "MEXICAN FOOD" haha wow....
Well.... i did it again... i can't ever take a good food picture without having a bite of it 1st... (fucking idiot)
After the fiesta was over we hit the road again. I wish i could i gotten a picture of my sisters head falling asleep then falling forward because of gravity then waking up again. I was laughing hysterically in my mind. But soon enough we made it to Davis and when we got to the site the performance was at.... let me tell ya... it was like little Manilla, i swear.... and they all acted like they haven't seen 2 Polynesian people before! Well as for me i'm a Filipino impersonator, shit i probably fooled all of them with the brown bohemith that covered my once light skin'ed complextion. (YES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I USED TO BE LIGHT SKIN'ed, CHECK THE THIGHS, AND NO I'M NOT FILIPINO, I AM AND ALWAYS WILL BE VIETNAMESE!!) no offense to the Filipinos out there! I love you guys. Now i know why that called it PCN (Philipino Culture Night) We totally felt out of place though. Anyways, Diane met us outside for a chat chat. She played the role of a nurse who falls in love with the doctor. :) aww (i dig the hair diane)
Random pics of my homies
It was a lot cooler once we got inside, but it felt like we were the minorities in this place seeing as hardly anyone sat next to us.
See what i mean... Can't believe it. Any who the show begins after a long wait and this play was very.... interesting. i enjoyed a lot of it and some parts the could have left out (Guys in diaper like sashes) but the culture is beautiful. But the play was about Filipino WWII Vets and hella (really, HELLA) Flash backs of how & why they got into the war. Diane was the best actor in the whole play hands down. (BAIS)
Melissa "Why don't you take a picture of this, you took a picture of all the other skits"
Charles (in my head) "-__-"
Missa totally killed this part. (BAIS) She is the best dancer hands down.
The play was great, The Almuni was annoying, and Diane and Missa are room mates! The two of them killed it and i'm proud of em. Good job ladies. ONCE AGAIN THOUGH, I'M AM NOT FILIPINO! MUST I WRITE A POEM ABOUT MY BROWN SKIN?