This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy happy joy joy.

All of San Francisco watched in awe, as the sky stole our attention. It was like a rainbow got caught in a shoot out between an earthquake and the heavens. Thundering ruckus sonic-boomed seconds after the visuals, the cross fire left blood splattered colors on clouds. I watched in silence, with a smirk on my face so bright i can't remember the last time i felt like this. Ironically, i stood behind a Vietnamese family and enjoyed eavesdropping on their native small talk and innocent excitement. For those brief moments a few things went through me mind: My Childhood, People, and Poetry.

I couldn't help but double glance at the little Vietnamese girl in her daddy's arms. She held a small light up toy, that i swear could have been a time machine. The moment my glare touched down to the toy it brought me back to L.A. I was a kid again. Not a care in the world, it was just me, my brothers, and our imagination. We use to get broom sticks and whack rocks around on our front lawn, we thought we were the Mighty Ducks. That all came to a painful reality when the broom stick got caught in the ground and i knocked my wind out. Then we moved on the bigger and better things, next thing you know we became the Power Rangers hanging from monkey bars at the park beating up girls and ridding the world of cooties. We did a good job until the parents intervened. Shit, we were tired of getting are dreams shut down so we turned to a life of crime. Working as a trio, one of us would distract the cashier at 7-11 and the other two of us would steal baseball cards from behind the counter. We were thugs like that. Man, those were the days. Sounds of war brought me back to reality as my eyes continued with its visual feast.

As the sky continued to sound like the war across the seas i stood in the mass of people studying everyone my eyes could take in. How special and fortunate is San Francisco to have an event that brings so many different people out to have a good time. From the drunk Caucasians to the family oriented Muslims. From the trendy Asians to the dread headed city boys. Its absolutely beautiful to see so many different people at one place sharing a common smile. Even though, this type of firework show may be just in San Francisco and the whole world can't watch i felt as if the whole world WAS watching. I admire the diversity and i wouldn't have it any other way. I stood there in mass, silent as another night, with a smirk that could be see from space. I don't remember the last time i felt like this but i will remember this time and place for when another moment like this comes up.

*Note: This is my 4th of July. The fireworks inspired me hella bad. This is also a "sense of happiness" poem that i wrote in response to my padawan, Kayekaye. Thanks for the read homies! Hope yall had a good one!

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