This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

FAQ #5, What is your middle name? and what does it mean?

My middle name is Binh. My grandpa gave it to me and its the only thing to remind me of him. He passed away to quickly in my life and i haven't had the pleasure of knowing him as well as i should have. My middle name means "good of the house" (as i've been told). It's kind of ironic how my middle name matches my nature. I'm never the one to get into trouble and i've always got a good head on my shoulders. The only time i ever get out of line is when i'm fighting for what i think is right. But yeah i would love to live up to my name and wear on like a badge of honor for my grandpa. Thanks for the read!

P.S. Thanks for reading guys i really mean it. It would be totally great though if you guys could leave some comments and give me some feed back on what you think. Don't be shy to get to know me. Add me on myspace, facebook, twitter. Get at me and get to know me. Yeknow? I would like to get to know my readers. My aim = Biinh (yes two i's) Thanks again.

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