This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


People's ignorance never ceases to amaze me. Oh yeah, rainbows automatically mean gay and your mom eats my ass out every Tuesday because its taco Tuesday. Stupid. Really though, let me spit at your guys reaaaaally quick about this "gay" issue. Gay is not a synonym for stupid, yes, i catch myself slipping at times because thats how i grew up but i'm doing real good with changing my vocab. I know this slang will never change but i can try to change a few souls. Another issue, Why must people be so homophobic? Being gay isn't a disease either. You wont get herpes if you say wsup to a gay dude and shake his hand. What is the problem? Why are you guys homophobic but you have gay tendencies? Many guys think its okay to "play" like their gay but when it comes down to it they dread gay people. Society is weird and twisted. Oh yeah, the reason why i wear this rainbow bracelet is because i also bought my sister one. It's her favorite color(s) i guess you can say. and she is take sole responsibility for helping my find my voice through poetry. So it's a symbol of the poetry that binds us. If you guys catch my drift. Time to do another FAQ. Thanks for the read.

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