This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"I ain't makin no money but i ain't makin no sense"

1st of all i know.. i suck at blogging. Anyways smelled like weed, cigarette smoke, bums, and liquor out in the streets of SF last night. Me and John camped out for the new POST hats and damn last night was a pretty interesting night full of excitement and random shit.
Photobucket Fuck it. I sit on floors. Sluts. Highlights of the night: Got flashed from this white girl with big ass tits, Drunk dude "I ain't makin no money but i ain't makin no sense, thats the quote right?!", Oh boy got some of his Bugles jacked from a crack head, and Dude almost Chris Brown'd his girl. Turn offs: Smoke, Weed, Bums, Cold, Cutters, Annoying people, and THIS!!!! FUCK!!Photobucket That is why i hate the fucking city sometimes. Stupid ass parking!! 60 bucks down the drain... anyways the sun hits the sky and people start waking up, but not this guy.
The line starts getting massive around opening hour it actually loops back up the street. But we managed to get out hats and escape the zoo. John knows the guys that work there also and we got hooked up with free shirts also! +60 bucks haha FML.
Little bitch was in the back and got to the front quick style. -_-
My Prize:

P.S. yeah i sleep on a coverless bed. shiiiit i sleep on a rose bed too! and what? bitches!

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