This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

FAQ #4, Why don't you drink or smoke?

I'll start of with drinking. If you haven't heard my poems about it i'll sum the story up for you. I don't have a dad (anymore). Unlike a lot of kids who don't have dads. I actually got the chance of sharing memories with him, some good some bad, lets just say the bad out weigh the good by light years. On nights when alcohol would mix with my dad that would mean my mom would get bruises. Yes, shes a victim of domestic violence. Why on earth would you want me to consume something that caused my mom so much pain. Stupid. As for smoking.... Cigarettes? yuck, you're killing yourself already. You know that right? As for weed, double yuck. I can't stand the smell. Its a waste of money. Call me unrealistic and stupid but fuck it, i don't give a shit. I'm just speaking my mind. I know yall who do this stuff do it for fun but just think about it. Remember when you were younger? You didn't need all these things to have fun. But now a days that ain't the case. Every party i've been to has to have drinks and dro. Whens the last time you had a pizza party? with chips and soda and boring ass movies that you HAVE to watch because thats the only thing to do? I don't know things change, times change. but i'll always have my reasons for not following the crowd. I'll have my head on straight forever. Thanks for reading!

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