This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

FAQ #1, Why did you stop playing football?

I'm a very mysterious person. People often tell me i'm intimidating and i look mean, which is true. I do look like a mean jack ass who will cut you if you breathe in my vicinity but don't judge a book by its cover. My eye brows are hereditary, i got them from my dad. and shit you must look at me a lot with bad timing if you notice i hardly have facial expressions. I enjoy your attention tho, thanks. but anyways i will be answering FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) and posting them on my blog for everyone to get to know me better. and i will start with the most asked question in the history of Charles Truong. Why did i hang up the cleats? Football is suppose to be fun. At El Camino(high school) i loved practice, i loved games, i loved being in the Red Uniform with the number 21 on it. It felt real like a family. and when i stood on that stage on awards night i swear i held in tears that would have caused floods. When i got to CSM for practice everything was different. There was this voice inside of me that told me i didn't want to be there. I knew i was so much more talented than these other fools but i didn't want to prove it to anyone anymore. The coaches were up my ass, and the players seemed to be segregated amongst race. Didn't seem like much of a family to me. Yeah, it didn't feel the same anymore. It felt fake and generic to my high school years. During a chalk talk while coach was explaining and going over plays i asked myself if i really wanted to play and had made it up in my mind that if i had to live up to everyone's dreams of me playing ball in college i would be disappointing myself because i didn't really want to be there. Don't get me wrong football is my 1st love and i will always love it but Nike is wrong when they say "Football is everything" because its not. In sort, Why i hung up my cleats is because it wasn't fun anymore. If you can't catch my drift watch Love and Basketball and you'll understand what i mean. Not to say its not fun for me because i lost a significant other to some asshole whose about to marry her but...(trying to figure out how to put this) i lost the meaning behind my passion. So there, it's out. I payed my dues to football, i succeeded and made history with some of the best guys i will ever meet. "It's a brotherhood for life!" -Stomp the Yard, haha it just reminded me of that moment. But yeah. you can still watch me and some of the boys in action tho. We have our own flag football team called Black Out, we also recruited some amazing athletes from different teams and years. but yeah i'm coaching at El Camino now teaching the young ones how to be tough like this one guy named "chuck". Hopes this satisfies your curiosity. Thanks for reading.

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