This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love sick. (rambling, read at your own risk)

Today, actually most of this month i've had a lot on my mind. Well actually girls have been on my mind and its crazy. There isn't just one girl on my mind, its basically any girl i see around or hear about, its weird... I think about what it would be like to be their boyfriend, or how happy or miserable we can be together, or i think of ways to romanticize girls to fall in love with me. Knowing myself well enough i could embarrassingly say that i'm a big time fanatic and believer in love. I often wonder if there exist that kind of love that Romeo and Juliet had, or maybe Noah and Allie from The Notebook. I'm such a sucker, and if you're reading and you think i am to then so be it. I can't help it. I grew up wishing i could be Aladin or Prince Charming saving princesses from danger. And this month just sucks, i don't know if i'm just going through a phase or if falling in love is an addiction to me but i hate feeling like this. Like i'm gonna die if i don't have a girl to be with. Like i'm the only dude whose going to grow up old, not have any kids, and just tell stories to kids that arent even my grand children about my younger days of how i used to play football and what i what through. I'm just scared to be alone. It sucks. Like, i'll admit it. At work i'll observe all the cute asian girls that come in and walk by and hope i catch them starring, just so that i can have a reason to stare back but i'm to pussy shit to actually do anything so i stand around the front so that they will walk by and hope they'll stop and talk to me but they never do and i'm to punk shit to say anything because i'm such a nervous wreck around pretty girls its not even cool. Or i'll be walking around a public place like the mall and i'll spot a girl walking towards me and i'll just stare at the ground as we cross paths, which is totally ridiculous. I have no game and i know it. I don't have any point about this post i'm just trying to write out all the things going on inside my head. and i guess i'm just love sick. I've had girls run in and out of my life like customers at in and out. and i've had my heart stepped on plenty of times like all the girls that tell me their problems. Hmm... I suppose i should continue with my mind dilemma. Sorry for the ramble and thanks for the reading.


  1. I don't think you have anything to be nervous about. You seem to be a good guy w/ a big heart. What's most attractive about you is your passion. You actually don't need any game whatsoever Charles, you just gotta be you & you should have no problem w/ girls.

    I don't want to seem like a complete stalker and leave that comment anonymously. I stumbled upon your myspace through Amethyst, & found your blog. My name's Veronica but everyone calls me by my vietnamese name, Hien. Keep your head up Charles =]

