This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Youngins of RedRobin SB. (Wednesday)

Work. I work as a Host/Server at the Red Robin in San Bruno, CA. I've been there for a year now and many faces have come in and out of the restaurant but my current Hospo team is filled with young cool kids and with the change of management in our department, they had a little get together to discuss the changes and have a good time, sort of a "bonding" experience if i should say.
So last Wednesday i went into work for the meeting and it was basically all play with lots of old candy from Easter they were trying to get rid of. We went to the pizza place next to Starbucks (i forget the name) to grab some food.
PhotobucketMy boy Berto
PhotobucketI'll admit, i suck at taking pics of my food before eating but this is the best i could do since all of us inhales our pizzas through our pores.

Try mixing your drinks, since i'm not a big alcoholic of caffeine anymore i resorted to drinking sprite, 7-up, and all that which gets tiring after a while so what i do to evade the fresh crisp taste of those drinks are that i mix them with weird ass drinks that no one ever gets such as: Hi-C, Lemonade, and such. This here is Pink lemonade/Sprite hench the color:
Swine Flu Killer:
PhotobucketJust kidding, just keep yourself sanitary!

After the long pizza paloza we headed up the street to Baskin Robins for some dessert since it was 31 cents a scoup that night and let me tell ya.... it was shitty cold but the damn people can still eat some fucking ice cream.
I hit up 3 scoups: Cookies N Cream, Pralins N Cream, and the Resse Peanut butter Cup.

Cool Kids.

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