This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Smiley face Thursday!

:) Today was all smiles. Sorry i don't update my blog as much as i'm suppose to but today was a blog-able day, because i got to spend it with some of the great women in my life, SOME. :) Anyways i started out my day with my homie, Margarette. Since we kicked it Tuesday morning and i payed for the whole breakfast she insisted we do it again but vice versa. I kindly accepted seeing as how i'm a sucker for food plus i didn't want to go back and forth saying "Oh no its okay i'll pay" (when i know damn well i wanna accept all the free shit people give me) So we headed over to the sunny ass city of Burlingame to eat at this spot called Stack's. and like i've said before i suck at taking pics of my glorious food before i take a bite. Anywho i ordered the All Meat Omlet and Marggie grabbed a plate of who knows what, all i know is that it was beautiful. We also shared some (WHAT THE) French Toast. Take a peep at the dishes in HD:
All Meat Omlet
Margarette's Artful food(forgot the name)
FRENCH Mu' FUDGIN TOAST! (count it 6 slices, and apparently Margarette's definition of "Sharing" is taking one slice and leaving me with the other 5, -_- )
Nature at its BEST, Okay so its only natural to want to try the other persons food. So we asked if we want a bite of each others food. I accepted, she declined. (doesn't like sour cream) I took a bite of her food and Oh My LORD.... The creamy-ness was too intense.... it felt like a slug was sliding down my throat.... Anyways heres some more HD pics of my plate cleaning skills A.K.A. Charles is a fat tub of lard that will eat your finger if it was on a bun.
She had to box hers because she is.. WEAKSAUCE FOO!!!
Yes i did finish all 5 slices of French Toast and my All Meat Omlet:
After this gargantuan breakfast i had to head over to CSM the site of my learning, to learn. Margarette took the travel also seeing as it was close and i didn't want to be late. So i took Marggie into the place i love to hang out when i'm bored as fuck at boring as CSM, The science lab. Mac computers availible:
After my photoshoot i headed to class with Charbeezzy and i guess not going to class for a while takes its toll seeing as how my teacher asked me and Char "Are you two registered in this class?" but we were backed up by Charlene's boyfriend in the class, some guy who likes her. Hahaha its funny. But all laughs aside this class was boring/disgusting. Learning about STD's is fine, okay i get it but the pictures of STD's in advance stages is a throw up waiting to happen. Good thing class went by fast because the breakfast was still kicking my ass. I proceeded to my car with the young Marggie accompanied by her friends (Margarette knows everyone) and i dropped my homie off at home in DC. Next stop i headed to my sister's house where the homie Deanna was kickin it with the poetry fams. Haven't see Deanna since them high school days, well actually.... she brought an army of filipinos into Red Robin one time but still its been a while. It was a koo kick it, just chilled and talked about poetry. yaaaaaaaaknowww the usual.... We also messed around with the picture game:
Deanna with Melissa's lazy bum ass new dog Cereal:
We tried leaving Diane Alvitez our homie that lives across the way a facebook video comment but shit was acting up!

Heres a video to sum up our, Supreme-ness, Hollllllllllla!!!

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