This is me.

My photo
A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love sick. (rambling, read at your own risk)

Today, actually most of this month i've had a lot on my mind. Well actually girls have been on my mind and its crazy. There isn't just one girl on my mind, its basically any girl i see around or hear about, its weird... I think about what it would be like to be their boyfriend, or how happy or miserable we can be together, or i think of ways to romanticize girls to fall in love with me. Knowing myself well enough i could embarrassingly say that i'm a big time fanatic and believer in love. I often wonder if there exist that kind of love that Romeo and Juliet had, or maybe Noah and Allie from The Notebook. I'm such a sucker, and if you're reading and you think i am to then so be it. I can't help it. I grew up wishing i could be Aladin or Prince Charming saving princesses from danger. And this month just sucks, i don't know if i'm just going through a phase or if falling in love is an addiction to me but i hate feeling like this. Like i'm gonna die if i don't have a girl to be with. Like i'm the only dude whose going to grow up old, not have any kids, and just tell stories to kids that arent even my grand children about my younger days of how i used to play football and what i what through. I'm just scared to be alone. It sucks. Like, i'll admit it. At work i'll observe all the cute asian girls that come in and walk by and hope i catch them starring, just so that i can have a reason to stare back but i'm to pussy shit to actually do anything so i stand around the front so that they will walk by and hope they'll stop and talk to me but they never do and i'm to punk shit to say anything because i'm such a nervous wreck around pretty girls its not even cool. Or i'll be walking around a public place like the mall and i'll spot a girl walking towards me and i'll just stare at the ground as we cross paths, which is totally ridiculous. I have no game and i know it. I don't have any point about this post i'm just trying to write out all the things going on inside my head. and i guess i'm just love sick. I've had girls run in and out of my life like customers at in and out. and i've had my heart stepped on plenty of times like all the girls that tell me their problems. Hmm... I suppose i should continue with my mind dilemma. Sorry for the ramble and thanks for the reading.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

I fell in love with some Youtube stars....

I'm in love with AJ&Reesa, and i would glaaaaaaaaaadly take my sweet ass time for any of them!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vampire Heart-Throbs

Countless girls around the world would gladly let Robert Pattison, better known as Edward from the movie Twilight, bite the shit out of them. The Twilight series and any other Romantic Non Fiction Book/Movie, gives girls an unrealistic expectation in men. Which totally sucks for us "real" guys considering we aren't immortal or were not super fast and strong, or anything else unrealistic. I couldn't see the big deal behind the sexy beast Edward Cullens because you can't even have sex with a vampire without him biting the shit out of you, but i guess the ladies wouldn't mind getting bit.(I BITE ;),but someone is being bitten by me already :-D ) but anyways i have come to understand the ladies when it comes down to all the Twilight and Vampire Sex craze going on, this movie came on the other day which made me go GAGA for this sexy ass pale faced lady vampire. So the answer to your Edward is my Selene. Photobucket
Movie: Underworld 1&2. Real name is Kate Beckinsale, and she is fucking hot shit without a doubt. I would let her bite me, yes. I would turn into a vampire and be dead but gladly immortal. and damn i would have her damn babies, i swear.... My mouth is salivating for some vampire (you know what). Ladies i understand what your going through now....

PCN, Davis

This past Saturday me and the poet fams headed out to Davis, CA to support our homie Diane in a play she was in. I won't forget to mention Melissa Mendoza, another high school friend who was also in the performance. Anyways me and my sisters traveled to the far reaches of California in the beaming ass sun. We made a giant giant mistake about deciding to eat in the middle of no where when we got hungry enough. Anyways we found ourselves in an unknown city, come to find out it was Fairfield. We stopped for a bite to eat at this one spot with the most original name in restaurant history: "MEXICAN FOOD" haha wow....
Well.... i did it again... i can't ever take a good food picture without having a bite of it 1st... (fucking idiot)
After the fiesta was over we hit the road again. I wish i could i gotten a picture of my sisters head falling asleep then falling forward because of gravity then waking up again. I was laughing hysterically in my mind. But soon enough we made it to Davis and when we got to the site the performance was at.... let me tell ya... it was like little Manilla, i swear.... and they all acted like they haven't seen 2 Polynesian people before! Well as for me i'm a Filipino impersonator, shit i probably fooled all of them with the brown bohemith that covered my once light skin'ed complextion. (YES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I USED TO BE LIGHT SKIN'ed, CHECK THE THIGHS, AND NO I'M NOT FILIPINO, I AM AND ALWAYS WILL BE VIETNAMESE!!) no offense to the Filipinos out there! I love you guys. Now i know why that called it PCN (Philipino Culture Night) We totally felt out of place though. Anyways, Diane met us outside for a chat chat. She played the role of a nurse who falls in love with the doctor. :) aww (i dig the hair diane)
Random pics of my homies
It was a lot cooler once we got inside, but it felt like we were the minorities in this place seeing as hardly anyone sat next to us.
See what i mean... Can't believe it. Any who the show begins after a long wait and this play was very.... interesting. i enjoyed a lot of it and some parts the could have left out (Guys in diaper like sashes) but the culture is beautiful. But the play was about Filipino WWII Vets and hella (really, HELLA) Flash backs of how & why they got into the war. Diane was the best actor in the whole play hands down. (BAIS)
Melissa "Why don't you take a picture of this, you took a picture of all the other skits"
Charles (in my head) "-__-"
Missa totally killed this part. (BAIS) She is the best dancer hands down.
The play was great, The Almuni was annoying, and Diane and Missa are room mates! The two of them killed it and i'm proud of em. Good job ladies. ONCE AGAIN THOUGH, I'M AM NOT FILIPINO! MUST I WRITE A POEM ABOUT MY BROWN SKIN?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Smiley face Thursday!

:) Today was all smiles. Sorry i don't update my blog as much as i'm suppose to but today was a blog-able day, because i got to spend it with some of the great women in my life, SOME. :) Anyways i started out my day with my homie, Margarette. Since we kicked it Tuesday morning and i payed for the whole breakfast she insisted we do it again but vice versa. I kindly accepted seeing as how i'm a sucker for food plus i didn't want to go back and forth saying "Oh no its okay i'll pay" (when i know damn well i wanna accept all the free shit people give me) So we headed over to the sunny ass city of Burlingame to eat at this spot called Stack's. and like i've said before i suck at taking pics of my glorious food before i take a bite. Anywho i ordered the All Meat Omlet and Marggie grabbed a plate of who knows what, all i know is that it was beautiful. We also shared some (WHAT THE) French Toast. Take a peep at the dishes in HD:
All Meat Omlet
Margarette's Artful food(forgot the name)
FRENCH Mu' FUDGIN TOAST! (count it 6 slices, and apparently Margarette's definition of "Sharing" is taking one slice and leaving me with the other 5, -_- )
Nature at its BEST, Okay so its only natural to want to try the other persons food. So we asked if we want a bite of each others food. I accepted, she declined. (doesn't like sour cream) I took a bite of her food and Oh My LORD.... The creamy-ness was too intense.... it felt like a slug was sliding down my throat.... Anyways heres some more HD pics of my plate cleaning skills A.K.A. Charles is a fat tub of lard that will eat your finger if it was on a bun.
She had to box hers because she is.. WEAKSAUCE FOO!!!
Yes i did finish all 5 slices of French Toast and my All Meat Omlet:
After this gargantuan breakfast i had to head over to CSM the site of my learning, to learn. Margarette took the travel also seeing as it was close and i didn't want to be late. So i took Marggie into the place i love to hang out when i'm bored as fuck at boring as CSM, The science lab. Mac computers availible:
After my photoshoot i headed to class with Charbeezzy and i guess not going to class for a while takes its toll seeing as how my teacher asked me and Char "Are you two registered in this class?" but we were backed up by Charlene's boyfriend in the class, some guy who likes her. Hahaha its funny. But all laughs aside this class was boring/disgusting. Learning about STD's is fine, okay i get it but the pictures of STD's in advance stages is a throw up waiting to happen. Good thing class went by fast because the breakfast was still kicking my ass. I proceeded to my car with the young Marggie accompanied by her friends (Margarette knows everyone) and i dropped my homie off at home in DC. Next stop i headed to my sister's house where the homie Deanna was kickin it with the poetry fams. Haven't see Deanna since them high school days, well actually.... she brought an army of filipinos into Red Robin one time but still its been a while. It was a koo kick it, just chilled and talked about poetry. yaaaaaaaaknowww the usual.... We also messed around with the picture game:
Deanna with Melissa's lazy bum ass new dog Cereal:
We tried leaving Diane Alvitez our homie that lives across the way a facebook video comment but shit was acting up!

Heres a video to sum up our, Supreme-ness, Hollllllllllla!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

New Skin.

After my showers my skin get all prunnie and soft, this is the perfect time to cut the skin from my big toe blister off since it was bothering me when i walk. Anyways my new skin under won't hurt because it's been exposed to harsh reality for a couple of days now.

Out with the old and in with the new
This is the kinda stuff i have to endure when playing any kind of sport. It ain't easy but it ain't hard either. No pain no game.