This is me.

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A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Two of my loves in this world are: Poetry & Ruby Veridiano-Ching. Put these two incredible things together and it'll make me skip school, track practice, and travel 3 hours south to see this amazing happening. For people who don't know who Ruby is, she's: a writer/poet, MYX VJ, and sole female member of the spoken word collective iLL-Literacy(hella dope btw). Any who, i read her blog on a wednesday night ( 4/14) and it said her next show was at Fresno Community College. Sooooooo, on one side of my brain i was like "fuck, thats tomorrow!" and on the other side i was like "FUCK THAT I'M GOING TO SEE HER!!!" because i missed her at the Youth Speaks Grand Slam finals. So, me and one of my good friends Margarette dropped our whole day schedule to travel to Fresno,CA to see one of my favorite poets.

And so begins our journey....
If you've ever drove from the bay area to LA or Fresno, there's a whole lot of nothing... & Trucks!

So 3 hours and 30 minutes later we finally made it, plus we took one of the most ugliest picture ever but its okay because it's Fresno.


Then after the show i got to finally meet Miss Universe!

After talking for a while Me&Margarette finally hit the road again only to get lost in beautiful scenic route and more trucks!

At the end of the day it was all worth it. Pick up her book Miss Universe and she signed my iLL-Lit shirt (her first shirt she ever signed!) Photobucket

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