This is me.

My photo
A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This Cake Will Be The Death Of Me......

I think i'm one of the most weirdest persons alive. I seriously don't know what's wrong with me. I drove to school at freaking 9 this morning when my class starts at 1... (Idiot). Any who, while i was driving on 280 i thought i was the fucking coolest person alive because i was driving 80 passing up all the slow cars and i was bumping my new J. Holiday cd hella loud with the windows down knowing no one can fucking hear my music anyways. Plus, not to mention its fucking -1000000000 degrees over here and i've got on just a T. Anyways i'm on this new money saving excursion so i've cut back on my lunch money (if i had money right now i would so give in). So i brought some of these delicious pound cake slices my mother bought to school with me, 3 to be exact.Photobucket Not even 5 minutes in i freaking already ate two slices.... These empty zip lock bags pay homage to my fat lardedness on the inside.... But yeknow what its okay because i work out! haha.
So i make it to school and well what do you know... The inner me is still hungry so i devour the last slice of delicious pound cake before i can even make it to the building where i will spend the rest of my 4-5 hours waiting to go to my class. I'm so stupid!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Venture to the Boonies (Friday)

I planned out my Friday a couple of days in advance and it turned out pretty well. I took the day off to head over to Sacramento to see my special friend ;) and since Davis was on the way there i was like "HEY! i might as well stop by to see my lonely friend Diane Alvitez!" and so i called her to reserve the morning time with my friend Diane and leave by a certain time to make it to Sac on time. I also busted my ass to get my shifts covered at work because they had me working a crazy ass dumb shit double, and i wasn't having it. Any who, i photographed my day on my Blackberry storm and soooooo.... it begins...

For those of you who haven't seen my new car take a good long deep ass breath, you could smell the new car smell through the computer screen can't you...

The City, everyone's love:

There is shit around when driving anywhere far in Cali.

I managed to make it to Davis pretty safe and sound, i met up with Diane and we had some breakfast (THANKS DIANE), Unfortunately i was so hungry i forgot to take a picture of my plate but it wasn't anything special but a bunch of meat and breakfast stuff. I do, however, have a picture of the after math of my eating disorder called hunger:

After the breakfast buffet failure of actually taking advantage of it being a buffet, we headed over to D's dorm room so i could scope out the place. Indeed it buildings were filled with vibrant colors and cool wall paintings.
"Fairy tale themed"
Diane's side vs Missa's side, D's side pwns Missa's (D's=Rainbow/Missa=Nemo/Lame-O)

After the showing her room, D gave me a campus tour which was hella dope because she knew the weird ass details that i would have never known or have had the thought to ask.

There are cows at school!
Cleeeeeeeeeeeeeean ass football field.

The birds out in Davis are vicious. We saw this bird get jumped by the rival gang members because he was rockin blue. Haha sike, we saw this bird on the floor though when we were walking to the freaking gym, hella sad.
His name is "Blue JJ"

Welcome to Global Gym! If this gym isn't Global Gym then it sure is damn close. It has everything from:
Rock Climbing
Basketball/Volleyball courts with a track going around the top of the courts
Racket Ball

We also saw some classrooms and it's ridiculous what the study to teacher ratio is.

Watch out for bikers in Davis they're ruthless and insane.

After the long hot journey we chilled in the lounge area and watched Lord of the Rings.

So it was time to leave D to see my "boo boo bear" Jenna. I made it hella on point. From her house we headed out to Westfield Mall in Fairfield which a totally slow ass ride but its ok it was all worth it. One funny ass thing happened when we got out is that we were amazed with how much junk and trash was in this little ass car next to us.

Check this: (do not allow your car to ever get like this)

Fredrick's is sick! :)

Baby girl is stuntin in her Nascar.

As i was sitting observing people and their behaviors when i felt the heat coming from a pair of saliva eyes staring at me hella hard. No i can't save money with this one.

It's True....

After all that was said and done i finished the day off at the movies with my boo bear. We saw the movie "Obsessed" it was pretty sick. I'll give it an 8 1/2 because it wasn't perfect. But anyways my day on Friday was action packed and full of adventure. One of the best parts/ sights of the trip is coming back to The City where the lights are on and its beautiful.
This day was sick, so fun, and full of likes. Haha fin.

An athlete's foot, not athletes foot.

My sweet and tender juicy feet must pay the price when it comes to me and my sports. From ankle problems to the blisters on my feet i go through it all i tell ya.... so let me tell you, i've joined a flag football league that goes on, on Saturday mornings at Gellert Park and one game the friction from my Vapor Jets(cleats) became to much and there was born Mr. Blood blister.
Gross i know, you don't have to tell me twice all you must do is simply observe the picture, throw up a few times (if desired), and don't look at it anymore. Well here is a picture of the aftermath of playing on a blood blister.
Sorry folks. I have to share it, its part of my life. Imagine Michael Jordan's feet.... his toe nails probably look like dirty sun flower seeds and the bottom of his feet are probably rougher than a mix of sand paper and a nail filer. Haha get with it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Creative Boredom (Tuesday)

Expect my creativeness to come out super hard on tuesdays and thursdays. Today i finally realized that my writing is really growing and it feels good. If you want to read some samples of what i wrote, they're in my about me's in myspace and facebook! haha too lazy to copy and paste. So anyways the heat sucks i know hot weather makes the girls take off more clothes but i could care less because it ain't sexy when they sweat their asses off, haha. but yeah i had nothing but time on my hands today and my class is just drop dead boring, hot, and boring. Well my friend Charlene actually made it to class today haha so we're pretty much blogging about the same thing.

She was kind enough to buy me a little snack :)
This is a sample of true shit i wrote:

Until next time folks!

Round 2

J. Holiday is raw. I'm a big fan of R&B and my Mr. Holiday delivers some good quality work. He's not one of those artist who makes like 2 hit songs and the rest of the cd is shit, in fact all of his songs are dope. So dope i might skip class to stay in car and listen to him preach. Hah!

Heres a sample, this is track 6: "Run into my arms" Its very close to what i'm feeling at the moment ;)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Workshoppin (Monday)

I attended a workshop today that my teacher Ms. Vosberg invited me to, and it was for intern teachers describing their problems with schools and kids. It was an amazing experience for me to see into teachers eyes and what they have to deal with when becoming a teacher. I was there to provide an alternative outlook from the students eyes. So i wrote this poem that is untitled and still incomplete but i shared it with the teachers. I wrote this poem for the kids in school that are being bullied everyday.

Everyday i go to war with me, myself, and them. Them being the whole got damn student body, and the damn administration. And i am tired, tired of getting of getting picked on but never getting picked to play basketball. Tired of selling myself short for false friendships. Tired of feeling like i'm all alone in these overcrowded classrooms. I am just tired.... of dreaming to hard, i'm hangin my hope on a noose because hope is dead to me and i'm wondering if me and hope are symmetrical. because i will never be homecoming king, never be a star athlete, and will never be recognized for being myself... and i'm tired... Third period P.E. got me running scared and my insecurities start erupting along my ears, which become tinted red like rosey cheeks, after being tripped on my warm up lap by the high school quarterback. As tear drops leak from bare skin onto raw pavement, i hear screams from the other side of the school yard "Lets go! pick yourself up! You need to toughen up boy!" Toughen up? i get pushed down on concrete that is as hard as steel with more jagged rocks then the bottom of the fuckin sea and you want me to toughen up? i expected this from the other kids but from the teacher? Come on now this is the type of shit that makes me dream hard. I mean if i had skin made of stone i wouldn't cry and if i had the guts made of everything masculine in the world i would have been punching everyone in the eye whose made fun of me so that they could see me for what i am, me. And too often when i dream hard i actually tend to believe its true, and want to test my new stone skin with blades to wrist only to realize, reality hurts, but not as much as the words being flung at me like sling shots. "You Fagget" "Go home and cry to mommy you homo". And these words serve as testaments that life isn't really worth living when already in hell. I feel like this type of lonliness can never be surpassed, and the only place i seem to find peace, is within bathroom stalls during lunch, which towers over me protecting me from flung words and jagged rocks as if it were my own castle. I hang up pictures of my mom and dad and beg for their forgiveness for i have lied to many times about how much i love school and how i have so many friends. And i'm begging them to forgive me for what i am about to do but I thought high school was suppose to be the best years of your life but it seems like its gonna be the last years of my life. As i step on the toilet seat, tie a loop around my neck in connection with the top of the stall, i'll hang up hope and promise i will not cry. Now tell me, am i tough enough?

Growing up as a "Jock" in high school i've never really experienced being bullied but i've seen it done. But now that i'm a coach i see so many wrong things many kids and other coaches do and it pains me because those are the coaches that raised me from a freshmen to a senior so they're like family to me. But i know it doesnt justify how they neglect and tease kids either and i'm no perfect angel myself but i'm still learning. I'm sorry to all the people that i've hurt or tortured in the past. i do not know or share your pain but i can only imagine.

I tend to write a lot of my poems about the issues we face as humans on a daily bases. All from racism, sexism, misogyn, homophobia, and the list goes on.
I write on all these topics because i'm a firm believer in love. Not god, nor science, but Love. I believe if we all have love in our hearts it can conquer anything and everything. We're all humans a like in appearance and the only thing that sets us apart is our genetics and our own minds. I could ramble on and on about my beliefs but i'd rather not. All in together i believe Love is everything.


Goodbye Ol Friend.... (Sunday)

Horribly hot, THANKS GLOBAL WARMING! Any who my minty green Toyota Tercel is with a new owner now... my little cousin Sophie down in So Cal. I've had that car for atleast 2 and a half years and let me tell ya... its a mobile solar oven... i swear.. i will miss the memories but not the car itself. Any who some more pics of my journey in hell.
This was probably the coolest part of my drive... I love the bay brezze
The hills have eyes.
Then Greetings from L.A.(My little cousin Cynthia)
Fresh Squeezed Lemonade
Ouch, Branded a.k.a. I got into a fight with a Cobra.
Home, Sweet Ass, Home