This is me.

My photo
A poet who tries to see the beauty in all the ugliness.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tank on E.

I'm low on inspiration. See ya.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Guy kicks Repo man MJ style!

FAQ #6, Why do you have so many scars?

I'm careless folks. Most of the time i don't feel it partly because they're from football games and the adrenalin is already in full motion but there are a lot of noticeable ones that are from sheer stupidity or accidental incidence. The scar on the top right of my face was due to (this sounds very stupid) me falling on cement when i was little. What kind of person falls on the cement and lands on their head. I know i sound stupid but whatever. Next up, the bump on my lip. When i was little i was climbing on an open window ledge and i was doing alright until my stupid ass older brother slams the window down hella hard. Causing the window to break hence broken glass left its mark on my lip. I heard i didn't cry. Tuff guy eh? The scar on my pointing finger of my left hand is a real dumb story. I was doing a project for school and i was trying to cut a big ass box with a big ass butcher knife. My finger got caught in the cross fire and left its mark. I continued with my stupidity and cut the box to finish the job. The "D" looking mark on my left hand below my thumb was left by a student from Sequoia High school. Everyone thought it was from a Filipino Gang initiation. But real story my sophomore year of football i guess i was on the floor somewhere on the field and someone stepped on my hand. The reason why it looks like a "D" is because i guess the cleat or spike of his shoe went around in a full circle and left a chunk of living tissue in the middle. It looked gross when healing. The skin in the middle turned green literally, green. It looked like a fungus, weird right? Anyways the knife cut looking scar on my left bicep is courtesy of a young fellow from Jefferson High. I don't exactly know how i got this but after the game, after taking off my pads i usually check my body for new souvenirs and what do you know? I got this beautiful cut on my arm. Oh well, i like my scars. They provide stories and memories to share with my grandchildren. I'll tell them i was in a gang. Sike! haha Thanks for the read!

One more post for MJ.

Love you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Farewell, King of Pop.

I'm not going to lie. I forgot about you when i grew older. Faded from my reality like Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny you weren't apart of my world, like you were in my younger days. and i just wanted to say i'm sorry, for not being a real fan. When i heard of your death it really didn't hit me as hard. I didn't believe it. Didn't want to at least. But when i watched your memorial service it hit me real hard today. Even though we have never met i can truly say you were a big part of my life that i have long forgotten. I used to catch your videos on MTV during the LA afternoons. I remember my grandma was cooking in the kitchen when "Don't stop til you get enough" came on. I tried to imitate the ecstatic gyrations and the crotch grab moves you were famous for while trying to hide my skills from my grandma but she had a way of spying on me. She told my whole family and i was so embarrassed i promised myself i would never grab my crotch again. Damn, those were the days. If your death has taught me anything about my own life its that life is way to short to take for granted. and even though life forces you to grow up way faster than expected, never forget to take some time out of your day to appreciate the little things in life. Thank you for the memories mike. I really, truly appreciate it. I will never forget you and i will keep your legacy alive through my kids and theirs. Thank you so much.


I have a lot of unfinished poems in my head and i can't seem to get them out. I need that "spark" to ignite it. These brain farts are usually caused by a lack of inspiration and a shit load of laziness. Stay away, my laziness is contagious. Sorry kids, i have nothing in line for tonight. Tomorrow i'll blog my day so you guys have something to read. I want a hotdog with coleslaw right now, oh man sounds so good. I always watch the food channel and it sucks cause i'm 50% sleepy and 50% hungry most of the day but at this exact moment i'm like 80% hungry and 20% sleepy. I don't know man... its crazy, shits crazy. Big game coming up this sunday. Truong vs Truong. El Camino Alumn vs El Camino Alumn. Both teams are from the South City/ Daly City area and the winner of this game can seem to claim the crown of the city. Me and my younger brother john, are taking on my older brother kevin. We has NEVER played on opposite teams before. So i would like to see where mine and kevin's offensive minds clash. Its like a big ass chess game. Oh well, please come out and support us. Game time is at 1:00pm ****GAME OF THE WEEK**** literally. haha. I'm hungry tho i might ride out for some late night fast food cuisine but i'm too lazy and this ramble is helping me fight my bored hungerness. It's been a cold summer so far, weird. I hope its super fucking hot soon so i can head to the beach. I wanna chill with the breeze and watch seagulls poo on near by locals. Which reminds me, my red civic is a victim of fly by bird pooings. i swear. i have atleast 8 pieces of poo on my car right now. I think i'ma go to the gas station and use the window wiper to wipe it off haha. Don't you guys do that tho? you use the window wiper to clean not only your windows but also your car? LOL don't fucking lie to yourself! Well its time for tomorrow! i'll see you guys on the other side thanks for the read homies.